
The success of the Senti-Wave strategy comes from its ability to benefit from the long standing characteristics of the most basic of human emotions, fear and greed, which when combined with certain market sentiment factors often tend to create oversold (buying) and overbought (shorting) opportunities. The strategy uses equity market index ETF’s and futures to generate its returns and is designed to give consistent returns, regardless of market direction. It enters long and short positions and often uses the beta and volatility in addition to the market movement to generate its returns. The program has historically offered its best returns in trendless, choppy markets, which by conventional trading approaches have been difficult, if not impossible to successfully trade.
The Senti-Wave systematic trading program exploits volatility and uses movement in the market to its advantage by buying in oversold market environments and exiting or entering a short position when overbought on a short-term basis. The strategy has a tendency to scale into positions and typically exits when a predetermined price point is obtained or when a time or optimum price level is obtained. A portion of the strategy's risk management is built into the shrewd, and what some would call "Buffettesque" value buying and selling nature of the fund's trading structure, patiently waiting in money market for the proper long and short position trading opportunities to emerge, positions are then added in stages as the probability of trade success increases. Trade holding periods last from one day to as long as one month, it averages about 50 trades a year and often allows the market action to determine the length of the trade. The program also allows for discretionary risk control to help prevent a major market disruption from jeopardizing performance integrity.
Preserving capital and good investment returns are the foremost goals of the strategy. The strategy identifies consistent patterns of price behavior associated with normal fluctuations of overbought and oversold levels in the market. If an abnormal equity drawdown is incurred, trading will be temporarily halted and the system, trading and market environment will be evaluated and reassessed before moving forward. This type of situation is a possibility mainly during major news events causing high or extreme volatility usually encompassing all the worlds markets. The strategy has progressed over time and will continue to adapt as the markets move through the ever-changing turmoil of financial, national and world events.
Particularly in light of the relatively low correlation of our returns to the S&P 500, adding our program to a portfolio of stocks and other investments can be a wise move toward the goal of increasing returns relative to risk in today's volatile and unpredictable financial markets. The performance we have achieved confirms we offer an outstanding opportunity to the select group of clients with which we will work.
For Qualified Eligible Participants Only. Past performance is not nessecarily indicative of future success.
The Senti-Wave trading strategy works well with nearly all equities;
Strategies can be customized to fit your specific trading requirements, contact us to see what we can do for you!
Disclaimer: This material is confidential and is provided soley for presentation purposes. It is intended for Qualified Eligible Participants Only. Past performance is not nessecarily indicative of future success.